Tripos Receptor Research – Laboratory Extension – Bude
Following on from the successful completion of an earlier new build laboratory facility of 1800m², Tripos Receptor Research commissioned The Austin Company to undertake a Concept and Preliminary design then onto the complete detail design, management and construction services for a new extension to the original facility.
The new extension, three times the size of the original building – 3,800 sq.m 3 storey Laboratory provided state of the art-laboratories described under Section 7.
The extension was designed specifically for the requirements of three distinct user groups: Research & Scale-up, Hi-through Put Chemistry and Analytical & Purification. A Bio-chem suite and a Hydrogenation laboratory was also provided.
A three storey glazed atrium was designed to encompass the main vertical circulation to the link between the existing and new buildings.
A new plantroom incorporating a heat reclaim system serves the new extension thus reducing the amount of “tie-in” and changeovers affecting on the existing building and ongoing user operations.
Austin carried out a complete turnkey service contract for Tripos ensuring cost and programme budgets were maintained, maintaining operations within the existing buildings with emphasis on safety and reducing user inconvenience.
Austin are currently mid way through the design process for this two projects at Aberystwyth University and the BREEAM targeted scores for both buildings is ‘Excellent’.